Happy Noises Return

Week 3 has brought energy and liveliness to the house again. We loved (or at least, I did), the quiet of the 3 and 4 of us that was week 2. We had down time for puzzles, Rummikub, paddleball on the beach, bike rides and movies on the couch. I would have loved another weekend of just the four of us but Casey had a lacrosse tournament in Maryland so she and I left Saturday morning and returned Sunday night. However, I believe there was a purpose to that, as well. I got a lot of one-on-one time with my girl and Henny and Ryan had a true boys weekend filled with batting cages, trips to the arcade alone and with friends, beach time, a guys dinner out and a Jitney ride to meet friends, again. The time spent with just one child is really something rare and genuinely something wonderful. 

So upon our return, we were filled with a house of very wanted guests who had planned to stay until today but are extending a day to help me out while I shoot tonight. And we all couldn’t be happier. One of my dearest friends in the world and her three boys are here. She and I get through parenting together and have the pleasure of working together a fair amount now. She a wonderful photographer based out of Virginia and I’ve been blessed to work alongside her at events around the country doing headshot studios at corporate conferences. We have a great time. But we love nothing more than having our children together at the beach, drinking coffee on the porch while we chat the morning away and sucking up every little experience we are happy to add to our (and their) memory banks.

So the house is again filled with games of spit and blackjack, yelling strange and ridiculous commands at Alexa, big kid walks to Nickelbys for donuts and candy, Ryan becoming weight training for the 14 year old giant, Jake, and laughter about everything. As I always say, it’s not all roses. There are tired kids and sassiness and those who don’t want to do what everyone else wants to but I’d still take it over just about anything else in the world.  

I will most certainly look forward to another week of down time as a family in week 4 but I will not wish this time away for anything.